Alternative Dispute Resolution


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News from the Field


Effective January 1, 2025, under rule 10.100(c), Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators, currently certified Circuit Court, Family, or Dependency mediators may apply to be County Court certified without the need to take an additional training program.  The instructions, application, and a mentorship form are located in the Mediator Certification Qualifications & Resources.  Please read all instructions carefully before completing and filing your application.  If you hold a Circuit Court certification, no mentorship is required.  You may file the application at any time, but no application will be processed prior to January 2, 2025.  Only submit this application if you are currently a certified Circuit Court, Family, or Dependency mediator.  Any questions should be directed to


Save The Date. The Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) is pleased to announce that our 32nd Conference will be held virtually on August 1, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. – 5:15 p.m. EDT.  Attendees on the day of the conference will be eligible for up to 6.3 hours of continuing education, with 1.2 hours of mediator ethics for certified mediators and qualified parenting coordinators.  Attendees will be able to view all conference recordings for 60 days post-conference and will be eligible for additional hours of continuing education.  Registration will begin in June 2025, with a $45 fee.  Certified mediators will automatically receive an email alerting them when registration opens.  We will distribute registration information to qualified parenting coordinators through the trial courts’ ADR Directors and by posting on the DRC’s webpage.


On October 31, 2024, the Florida Supreme Court issued its opinion in case number SC2024-0442, In Re Amendments to the Florida Rules for Court-Appointed Arbitrators. The amendments to rule 11.010, Qualification, are effective immediately. You may access the court's online docket for this case, including the opinion, at the following link: SC2024-0442.

In addition, the Florida Supreme Court has issued its opinion in case number SC2023-1537, In Re Amendments to the Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators.  The amendments are effective on January 1, 2025.  You may access the court’s online docket for this case, including the opinion, at the following link: SC2023-1537.


The Dispute Resolution Center has compiled lists of complimentary educational webinars for certified mediators Free CME GuidePDF Download and qualified parenting coordinators Free CPCE GuidePDF Download.  These lists provide resources sufficient to fulfill both mediator and parenting coordinator continuing education requirements.  In addition, some of the offerings have been approved by The Florida Bar for CLE credits.  Reporting forms for mediators can be found at CME Reporting FormPDF Download and for parenting coordinators at CPCE Reporting FormPDF Download.   (To be able to digitally sign our forms, please download them first.)  Questions regarding continuing education requirements can be directed to  

2024 Dispute Resolution Center Awards

The Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) and the alternative dispute resolution community have been busy this year.  As we do every August, the DRC is recognizing deserving individuals with its annual awards.  Congratulations to  Fran Tetunic, the recipient of the  Sharon Press Excellence in ADR Award, and to  Christy Foley and  Elinor Robin, the recipients of  DRC Awards of Appreciation.  The DRC will also spotlight these recipients during our 2025 conference. 

Please click on the following links for information regarding the recipients and the contributions they have made to the alternative dispute resolution community:

Operating Procedures

Pursuant to rule 10.140, Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators, Operating Procedures and Authority, the Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules and Policy (ADRR&P) updated Operating Procedures which are effective February 6, 2024 .  The Operating ProceduresPDF Download contain numerous revisions to the certification and renewal processes. Questions can be directed to

Contact the DRC

Call 850-921-2910 or send us an email at

Last Modified: December 31, 2024